Registration Renewal – February 1 to March 15, 2023 | Renew Now

Complaint Process Objectives

The College’s primary reason for investigating complaints is the safety and protection of the public. The College provides a process that helps ensure a high standard of care is provided by paramedic practitioners in Manitoba. This includes addressing concerns at all practice levels.

Through review and investigation of a complaint, the College can identify problems with a registrant and take appropriate action to help ensure that those problems do not continue, and the public is protected.

The College strives to address complaints in a manner that is open, fair, efficient, and effective.

To be open, the process must be transparent. At the same time, the College is committed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of those involved as much as possible. Some aspects of the process are not made public because the law does not permit publication of the information.

Fairness must be extended to both the complainant and the Registrant. To be fair, the College must make sure that the complainant gives enough detail for the Registrant to specifically address the issues identified. The Registrant’s response to those concerns must be complete. Both the complaint and the response are carefully considered by the Complaints Investigation Committee before any action is taken respecting an Registrant.

Efficiency is achieved through ensuring that complaints are processed in a timely fashion without sacrificing thoroughness.

To be effective, the process must allow for informal resolution where appropriate and formal discipline where necessary to protect the public interest.

If you have any questions about the Complaint Process please contact the College at

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